
hypothetical question
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Author:  topper4125 [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  hypothetical question

Lets say you have a 30,000 sector universe... Could I have 30,000 one way links to ... lets say... sector 5, and not break the game?

Author:  Vid Kid [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Have you ever played trade wars for real ? publicly ?

Why would you want to do this ?

Get with me on team speak and I think I can answer all the if and whys in a short amount of time ... there has to be a better use of your time and
to try to edit something that you might want to do ...

Author:  Vid Kid [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Ok , .. 2 minutes of thought on this ..

1) every sector having a one-way to terra


2) every sector having a one-way to stardock

in scenario 1 , might be fun
in # 2 , might make all universe a MSL .. so no level > 2 planets
all figs and mines eliminated at extern ....

So it can be done , but why ?

Author:  Kewlbreeze [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

What will they think of next...

Author:  topper4125 [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Vid Kid wrote:
Ok , .. 2 minutes of thought on this ..

1) every sector having a one-way to terra


2) every sector having a one-way to stardock

in scenario 1 , might be fun
in # 2 , might make all universe a MSL .. so no level > 2 planets
all figs and mines eliminated at extern ....

So it can be done , but why ?

Option 3... I'm doing a major edit of a universe (Sector edits)... and instead of creating a big bunch of black holes... I'll have all the sectors I don't care about point to one sector (Something I can easily script)... then connect that single sector back to the part of the universe I'm shaping, getting rid of all the black holes. TBH... maybe having them all point to Terra would be an interesting thing.

I suppose I could write a script that would connect them to random sectors that are outside of the section of the universe I'm shaping... but for now.. just having them all point to one sector will work.

Author:  Vid Kid [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Try it and then play it ..

I for one have only seen one black whole in 25 yrs of game play.

Make the edit , edit the sectors .. run it .. play it .. and let extern run and see what happens .. might make for an interesting game ;)

Author:  topper4125 [ Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

A little more detail for what I'm working on... here's a map:


I wanted a small 217 sector universe... that allowed for 1000 planets, or 5 planets per sector in the two long tunnels.

Big Bang doesn't allow 1000 planets for a universe that small, only allows 40% Planet density, or 86 planets.

SO... I had to create a larger universe, that allows for more planets.. then edit the sectors so that all the other sectors were not attached, which creates sectors that don't connect at all to the first 217 sectors, or terra, StarDock, Rylos, or Alpha Centauri.... basically a very large Black Hole.

All of this is for a contest universe I'm working on for builders... The first person to build a Shielded planet in each of their 100 sectors on their track wins. Their tracks are only accessible through their gateway sector, which will probably need to be protected with fighters, mines, and a lot of navhaz... explaining the need for a large pool of planets: 100 per player that they will keep, plus who knows how many they will make, and destroy trying to get the ones they will want to build, plus the ones to create navhaz in their gateways, and quite a few more in hopes that someone doesn't just buy them all shutting out the other player from winning the contest.

All of the sectors on the two tracks will have random ports for trading/raiding.

The rest of the universe (Sectors 218-30,000) are useless for this edit, unless I want to open it up so that people can run to those sectors for more cash opportunities, but if I allow that, I want to make sure that the players can get back to the 'game sectors' somehow... preferably somewhere along the MSL, Terra, or StarDock.

Author:  Cruncher [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

topper4125 wrote:
A little more detail for what I'm working on... here's a map:


Your two gateway sectors are not in a MSL, therefore will be easily blocked. A game with this layout can easily be put into lock-down in a matter of hours. Or minutes if Kraaken is playing. ;)

What's the point of having Rylos and Alpha next to SD?

IMHO this layout is not playable. Pretty picture though.
(The world must be coming to an end, Vid and I agree!) :lol:

I might suggest that you try banging a few games with gold bubbles. Those are very large bubbles easily blocked, usually they have a easily defendable tunnel leading in. Then if you want each of your large bubble to have a backdoor to Terra or SD then you can do that.

Author:  topper4125 [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Cruncher wrote:
Your two gateway sectors are not in a MSL, therefore will be easily blocked. A game with this layout can easily be put into lock-down in a matter of hours. Or minutes if Kraaken is playing. ;)

I was kind of thinking that too, I was considering when competitors entered the game, they would be given 50,000 fighters in those two sectors, as a start for their defenses. If they are in the MSL, Extern would kill the gateway defenses.

Also, not having the gateways in the MSL's would allow people to invade and block the opponents tracks if they wanted to... or if the players *did* want a truce style, just build race... that could be arranged by simply adding the two gateways to the MSL, which would be a simple matter of editing a couple sectors so that they are between StarDock and Alpha *OR* StarDock and Rylos... which is *KIND* of why I placed them where they are... but in that layout I drew up.. they (Rylos and Alpha) are pretty useless.

Cruncher wrote:
What's the point of having Rylos and Alpha next to SD?

Just to complete the MSL between all 3 Class 0 Ports. Rylos and Alpha are fairly unnecessary in this edit.

Cruncher wrote:
IMHO this layout is not playable.

I agree it won't be very playable as a 'standard' TW Game, but as a race between who can get the goal completed fastest... it 'could' be interesting.

It could be a matter of just seeing who has the script that raises money the fastest, colonizes fastest, and gets citadels up the fastest, and that would be about it.

Or a matter of who can get their defenses up in the weak spots (the gate way, and a few sectors into each tunnel access point) so that invasion isn't viable in their tunnel while at the same time trying to get forces gathered to get into enemy territory to hinder their efforts.

All in all, I think this universe has the potential to be a script vs script race, or a peaceful race to the top with just keyboard skills.

but as a 'standard' game... I agree, not very playable, this is more of a specialized build that has a goal not usually found in a TradeWars Universe, plus the players know exactly where the enemies sectors are, what the goal of the enemy is, and how they would travel to/from terra/stardock. I could add a *LOT* more tracks to the game to mix it up a bit, or to allow more people to compete, but for now, I'm starting with just two.

Cruncher wrote:
Pretty picture though.

Lol.. I got mad MS Paint Skillz lolz.

Cruncher wrote:
I might suggest that you try banging a few games with gold bubbles. Those are very large bubbles easily blocked, usually they have a easily defendable tunnel leading in. Then if you want each of your large bubble to have a backdoor to Terra or SD then you can do that.

I might try adding a backdoor or two, I have tens of thousands of unused sectors to play around with.


Cruncher wrote:
topper4125 wrote:
A little more detail for what I'm working on... here's a map:


Your two gateway sectors are not in a MSL, therefore will be easily blocked.

I was just looking at the picture a bit... and I'm wondering... isn't the MSL between StarDock and Terra the Shortest route? If so, then the gateways actually are the MSL

(1 <> 112 <> 115) and (1<>116<>115)
instead of through FedSpace:

If the MSL is the shortest route between StarDock and *ANY* Piece of FedSpace, then I'm good because 10 connects directly with StarDock.

But... if the gateways do move the MSL's because they are the shortest route back to Terra, then I'll either have to add more gateway sectors, or leave it as is, so players defenses will have to be built in their tunnels.

EDIT 2: *OR* just flip the orientation of sectors 1-10, so that 1 connects directly with Stardock and placing sector 10 at the bottom of the FedSpace line. That would be the EASIEST way of manipulating the MSL... MSL would then only be 4 sectors in length, with the rest of FedSpace (2-10) really having nothing to do with the MSL.

Author:  Master Blaster [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Oh Jesus, give me a break, Get up out of that damned chair and go outside and get some sun boy!

Author:  topper4125 [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Master Blaster wrote:
Oh Jesus, give me a break, Get up out of that damned chair and go outside and get some sun boy!

LOLZ.. after Deleting all the links in a 30,000 sector universe, then manually creating two 100 Sector tunnels, re-building the MSL, FedSpace, editing and moving 213 Ports that can be PPT'd (SSM'd), I could use a bit of sun.

If I do add more tunnels, I'm making a script to do it for me...

Author:  Cruncher [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

topper4125 wrote:
I was kind of thinking that too, I was considering when competitors entered the game, they would be given 50,000 fighters in those two sectors, as a start for their defenses. If they are in the MSL, Extern would kill the gateway defenses.

I'll take my 50k figs in a Battleship and quickly clear your's, the game is in lock-down in a matter of minutes!

You're trying to exert too much control, I'm sorry, but this is still unplayable.

Author:  Promethius [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

Go for it on the edit. If it works great, if it doesn't then try something else. Trying new things in the game is always good.

Author:  Cruncher [ Sun Sep 25, 2011 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

I don't want to sound like I'm discouraging you with your edit. I want you to keep trying, this is all hypothetical afterall.

And I'm not as devious as some (most), so keep trying, we'll get the results you're looking for.

Author:  Kavanagh [ Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: hypothetical question

topper4125 wrote:
Lets say you have a 30,000 sector universe... Could I have 30,000 one way links to ... lets say... sector 5, and not break the game?

The Mad Hatter once banged a 5K game on eclipse.ultranet.com, in which all sectors (except the usual 6 and fed) had a no return warp to SD. It was a bit awkward to play. Designed to be impossible to map usefully, but there is a way around it.

Never will happen again, the twixie pixies would not be able to play in such a bang.

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